is for Allegan.
Over the weekend I went to the Allegan Flea Market in Michigan with my sister, Al. I am happy to say that the trip was a success! We left at 4 am for the 3 hour trek. Al drove and I got a lot of knitting done! The market is in a really pretty setting-filled with trees and a really pleasant atmosphere. We had big plans to go blueberry picking and swimming in the Dunes afterwards, but we were exhausted from the trip and spending four hours at the market, so we went to South Haven for lunch and stopped at a fruit stand for our stash of fruit! Blueberry picking will have to wait another week! We both went home very satisfied and ready to go back to look for more treasures!
This pair of silhouettes will fit in nicely with my growing collection!
We lucked out and found two pairs of gorgeous silhouettes. This pair went home with Al! The woman selling them told us they were from an estate sale and a local teacher made them for all of the kids in her class at the end of the year. What a sweet gesture! I love the positive and negative aspect in this pair.
I really wanted to take this Lansing Ski Club sign home, but it was $65. I guess I have a little of my Grandpa Savage in me because I have a soft spot for quirky hand-painted signs. As I have said in previous posts, my grandpa painted signs for a living. I love the way they look mixed with pictures and photos on the wall.
How great is this vibrant blue set of drums?
Some great old frames turned into chalkboards! I have collected many vintage mirrors like this and love the shape.