is for Elephants.
We love elephants.
It is hard not to be drawn to them.

There was an amazing documentary on PBS a while back called Unforgettable Elephants that was so mesmerizing. Photographer Martyn Colbeck has been following the same group of elephants for two decades, led by the matriarch, Echo. They travel together as a family of fifteen all over the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. They are such smart animals and take such good care of one another.

Love the way this elephant is just on the table with all of the dishes.
A table always needs something unexpected like this.
via Sanctuary
What a great centerpiece!

My mom found this adorable red polka dot elephant at an antique store and gave it to me as a gift. I love it...polka dots and elephants!
I love elephants too. How would it be to document one thing for so much of your life? That would be an adventure wouldn't it! I love that elephant your mom found...I love big bold red polka dots. Thanks for leaving me a comment....I really do love your blog. Isn't it great to be able to do something together as sisters?
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