is for Frogs.
This weekend we went to another flea market.
Lots of great finds!
My niece, Eloise, found another great treasure. A green wicker frog!
Her pug, Harley, is checking out all of our finds as we unload the car!
My pug, Scout, is checking out the new pet in the family.
We thought it could be a cute trash can, but I think Eloise might fill it with some of her many stuffed animals!
I found this great basket at the very beginning, but decided to take my chances and wait until the end to try and get a better price. Alas, it was gone, which is just as well since I was trying to focus on finding things for Rach's house, not mine! But how cute would it look filled with balls of yarn! I never have enough places to store my yarn!

We thought it could be a cute trash can, but I think Eloise might fill it with some of her many stuffed animals!
After four hours at the market she is still happy and smiling!

It reminded me of this lovely basket!
Overall, the market was a success! Everyone walked away with something they loved! I found a cute oval frame with a handcut silhouette to join my collection of silhouettes and a funny little eagle to hang amidst all of my pictures. Rach found some great gigantic letters that she is going to hang in her home. A big "S" to hang above her son Sol's bed. I convinced her that he would love it when he returns home from camp! Once they find a place in her home we will show you some pictures! They are so cute!